Managing Time : Expert Solutions to Everyday Challenges
Number Of Pages : 94
Published : 1st April 2006
Publisher : Harvard Business Review Press
Country of Publication : US
Call Number (640.4 HAR m 2005 C.1)
Managing Time delivers proven advice on how to get the right things done - faster, smarter, and more efficiently. From setting goals and breaking them down into tasks to creating a manageable schedule and putting it into action, this user-friendly guide outlines proactive ways to focus on mission-critical tasks, eliminate or delegate non-priority projects, control interruptions, and avoid distractions. It is the essential guide to maximizing every manager's most valuable commodity. It instructs readers how to: set goals and focus on high-priority tasks; organise their space and save their time; use scheduling tools that really work for them; avoid distractions and control interruptions; delegate effectively; and, get more done in less time.
About the Author
The Pocket Mentor Series offers immediate solutions to common challenges managers face on the job every day. Each book in the series is packed with handy tools, self-tests, and real life examples to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and hone critical skills.
Managing time is one of the pocket mentor series published by Harvard Business School Publiching Coorporation. Managing Time itself was writting by Melissa Raffoni, founder of Proffessional Skill Alliance who has over decades of professional experience on business-to-business service and has published in 2006 and costed US $ 9.95 at that time.
"Time it's resources we can't buy or sell, share with with others or take from them, get more of or have less of" Raffoni (2006)
We have all have the same amount of time in a day , 24 hours. same of us may feel it's short, long or enough. though we have no difference in amount, but what we do and how we do it has. it is the matter of our time management.
Managing Time, as its title, contains guidancess to develop our time leverage and